Monday, May 3, 2010

Sudden death

IT IS THE Sad story of the year. Right up there with Michael jacksOn’s untimely death, THIS death is As untimely and As unexpected and bizarre. No scratch that, it’s MORE bizarre. At least MJ wasn’t 22 years old and He didn’t call his parents for help as he was dying. And let’s face it, Mj was pretty old anyway. He would have passed on sooner or later. Yes I know that That rule applies to everyone but the Point is, This guy, Keat Lee son of DATUk I forgot his name died in a FREAK accident and the freakish thing is it could have happened to anyone of us. (eerie music plays softly)

The thing that struck me was that the poor guy was on the balcony for pretty long judging from his frantic shouts for help. Couldn’t somebody have done something? There must have been something someone could do for him. This are My of the head random ideas.

1. throwing a rope down from an above balcony./ side balcony

2. Throwing a rope made of clothes /bedsheets/blankets/ ANYTHING (if no rope at hand)

3. Throwing Lots of wet bed sheets and wet Things over.

4. rush around to alert all the other residents and gather all mattresses available to get him to jump down.

6. throw him a magic carpet (hah very very unrealistic)

That’s it. That’s all I can think of besides the usual things like alerting the BOMBA.

Instead , all these people who knew he was in trouble basically did nothing but let a guy roast to his death. I know I know, how would I know, I wasn’t there. I wasn’t In the situation. But that isn’t going to stop me from commenting my heart out! . so there!

Applause to Ms Venus hew for her incredibly acute journalist instincts that drove her to record the v“unnoticeable’ smoke spewing out from the 32nd th floor of the mont kiara building. Thanks to her , anyone with an internet connection at hand can watch the ‘oh my goodness’ video of the fire on i comment that she is probably an ideal journalist with the proper amount of callousness and unfeelingness required in That industry,?

Now I was thinking (yes I WAS THINKING) Deeply. It didn’t require much time for me to decide that on the whole, I’d rather not die as a slowly smoked, roasted fillet ofJian Ai over medium fire. In comparison, option B sounds better ..which would be. *Die quickly with broken bones broken everything *

And literally, this would be… a broken man/ women.

After watching the video, it looked to me that the apartment units at mont kiara have balconies situated rather close to one another. It LOOks possible from MY Point of view for him to maneuver his way and scramble into safety in either of the nearby balconies. Perhaps he was deterred by the overwhelmingly far Land of Below.Still , Like I said, at that point, anything would probably have seemed a better option than remaining there at that balcony. ..

The moral of this sad story is never take too many anti-depressants and sleeping pills. Oopss. Wrong moral.

The moral of THIS story is, life is fragile n How and when we die is really so out of our control. Therefore we need to live for the moment. n ALSO.

Never live in a high rise apartment building without keeping a long rope just in case u ever need to escape from the balcony.

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