Monday, May 3, 2010

Terrored by Terror For terroR

In the newspaper today (30th September 2009, an article with the headlines ‘Terrorist cased Jakarta hotels before bombing’ caught my attention. “What now?” I said to my mother, shaking my head.

“Aiyor Terrorist again? These terrorist darn Terrifying lah, nothing better to do is it?”

Just some background info on why Islam Terrorists are Terrorist. They believe that the Jihad (holy war) is a command to all Muslims enforced by the Quran. The focus is to overcome people who do not accept Islam. Islam is a religion of works. Dying in jihad is a great honor, and it is the only way a Muslim is assured of entering Paradise at all. This is why you see Muslims leaving their own nations to fight jihad in other countries. Jihad is the motivation behind almost every act of terrorism done in the name of Islam.

IF this is what happens when a man believes in a God and becomes so piously religious, I think we’d be better of if the whole bunch were hard-core atheist instead.

‘In one of the video, the 2 bombers, Dani Dwi Permana,18, and Nana Ikhwan Maulana, 28,…..etc etc ’

“What?” I exclaim, “This Dani guy was just 18!!”

*Note the ‘was’ used in the sentence. On july 17th, Dani and Nana were behind the twin suicide hotel bombings which killed several people. After such a deliberate attempt at JIHAD obviously these 2 people are dead and gone. To where? I leave that to the reader to conclude.

That poor deluded 18-year old Fool..,.

A lot of words could be used to describe suicide bombers. Decieved, deluded, violent, stupid and Brave are among the chief words that occur to me at the moment. Yes, Brave. That was no typing error. It takes a lot of faith and courage to decide to die for what you believe in Voluntarily. These people literally decided to themselves >>

“Okay I’m going to Die next month because that’s what my religious leaders say I should do and because the Quran says that I should go make a jihad War. Heaven here I come!! ”

Dumb maybe, incredibly INSane AND selfish probably but in way, they deserve to be admired because Despite all that was wrong with them no on can say they weren’t brave or weren’t willing to sacrifice OR that their faith wasn’t strong.

Now on the other hand,

Sutini, ibunda Dani Dwi Permana, tersangka pelaku bom bunuh diri, mengutuk mereka yang telah merekrut anaknya sebagai pelaku bom bunuh diri.

“Sebenarnya yang merekrut anak saya adalah pengecut,” ujarnya sebelum mengantar jenazah anaknya di Instalasi Kamar Jenazah RS Polri, Kramatjati, Jakarta Timur, Rabu siang. (extracted from


Sutini, Mother of Dani Dwi permanda criticizes those who recruited her son as a suicide bomber. “The truth is they that recruited my son are cowards,” she exclaims & etc etc.

-(My sentiments exactly.)-

Ps : Pray for these people, because I believe that these very suicide bombers might have made very good Christians.

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